Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jesus was White?

I found it sad that a lot of what Malcolm X had to say about the white man's Christianity was true to a degree. There have been uncountable periods in history where the white man has come in the name of Christ, stripped and sabotaged all of the inhabitance of a land, and left them to die in their dust. All in the name of Jesus Christ. Or in the better cases, missionaries were sent behind them to pick up the pieces in their wake. So some of what Malcolm states about the white man's Christianity is true. He also talks about how the white man has made Jesus to be white. I think a lot of that comes from culture and lack of education. The "white man" isn't the only one who does this. If you type in Jesus Christ into Google images, you will see multiracial paintings of Jesus, ranging from hispanic, to black, to white. Cultures often assimilate the idea of Jesus Christ into their world, painting his skin the same as theirs. It's an interesting idea, and although I don't agree with much of what Malcolm X believed, I do moderately agree with him on this point.


  1. That is a scary thought, or at very least interesting. We tend to try and bend the images of the people in the Bible to us. Malcolm mentioned something that's along the same vain that I've been thinking about recently. The idea that Adam was black. and he's right, at least scientifically. There's no way to make a black person from white people, but you can genetically make a white person from a black person...white is recessive.

    1. i mean you can't get in to all that genetically possible stuff when jesus was reported to have come back from the dead, which is impossible. main point: jesus was black.
